Postpartum Doula Jobs - How to work as a postpartum doula
After you finish your postpartum doula training and start working towards your postpartum doula certification, how do you find a job as a postpartum doula?
Unfortunately, being a certified postpartum doula does not guarantee that you will get a job. After a quick Google search, you can see that there are very, very few actual postpartum doula “jobs” out there. There are not many hospitals or companies who hire postpartum doulas as employees.
But don’t be frustrated! You can still fulfill your dream of being a postpartum doula and helping new mothers and babies.
Working as a postpartum doula means…
working for yourself or a doula agency.
The truth is, there’s no company that’s going to hire you (unless you are lucky to live in an area where there’s a doula agency). In order to be a postpartum doula, you have to start your own business.
That may sound daunting and overwhelming and like a lot of hard work (and it is) but it’s worth it. Kinda like giving birth!
Start small by putting the word out to friends and family that you are taking postpartum doula clients. And then you can slowly build that into a bona fide business. Owning your own business gives you so much freedom, it’s the best!
Making your own schedule AND helping new families is so rewarding. Being a postpartum doula is the best job in the world!
Want to know how to start getting clients?
Just starting out as a postpartum doula?
Join my Facebook Group: The Doula Marketing Group and connect with other postpartum doulas as we help support new families.
I’m The Doula Darcy and I help postpartum doulas get more clients. I bring my 10 years of experience in the advertising and marketing field to the work I do as a mentor to postpartum doulas.
Follow me on Instagram for more tips!